Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Grandpa

He lived almost 93 years and was married just shy of 65 anniversaries.
He was a tall, handsome man, 6'3", a full Swede.
He was "Dad" to two daughters, two sons; "Grandpa" to nine granddaughters and one grandson; "Great-Grandpa" to five great-grandsons and nine great-granddaughters.
He was incredibly witty and could talk to anyone...and I mean anyone!
He was always singled out by my friends and family as "the very distinguished man" or "he's a wonderful man to talk to."
He stood out as a man who cared about others and he was always interested in their lives.
He rode all the crazy rides with us at Disneyland fourteen years ago...that made him seventy-nine years old. Wow!
He was honest, could play hide-and-seek in the store with his granddaughters, could tell you how to get anywhere (he was a walking map), loved history, lived life at his own pace (he stopped to read any and all signs), had an incredible memory and made a huge impact in my life. How often does a grandchild have the privilege of having a grandparent well into their adult years? I'm so thankful for his impact on me...relishing a good bargain, love for travel and new places, adventureous eating (he'd try anything and so will I), and I'd like his positive outlook on any and all circumstances to rub off on me. His only complaint lately...T.M.B. Which he explained as Too Many Birthdays. Did I mention his sense of humor? Wow! I'm going to miss you, Grandpa.


Melissa said...

Sorry to hear about your Grandpa. I saw that he passed away when I was looking at Ester's blog. It looks like he lived a long happy life.

Esther said...

That was beautifully put. Thank You for sharing your thoughts.

Katie said...

Oh, duh, Wigholm! I answered my own question

Betsy said...

What a sweet tribute to your grandpa.

Angie said...

That was very special to see what he menat to you. He would have been a wonderful man to have known sounds like.