Saturday, February 4, 2012

Kade turns 3 last October

Kade loved the whole fireman theme last October when he turned three (and he still does), so we made the cake with lots of little boy help.  Everyone ate some, but the best part was decorating and taking pictures, and of course, blowing out candles.  (He is a fireman, afterall).  The coat is size 24 months, and he continued to squeeze into it over and over again until Christmas when Kalai got him a new one.

We continue to give thanks for all our children, but I'm always mindfully aware of how fragile life is when I think of Kade's entrance into this world.  He is a challenge in so many ways as he learns that he must obey and follow someone other than himself.  He often leaves me scratching my head, trying to figure out what motivates him.  He hears my praise over his good deed and it's as if he says, "Rats, I really didn't mean to make her happy."  He has some very sweet moments, though, when he seriously relates his desire to follow Jesus.  He loves to laugh with his brothers, hide from mom, try funny words out, read firemen books over and over, and work hard with Daddy, whether it be shoveling snow, mowing the lawn, or moving furniture. He really is a little man. 

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