Monday, September 13, 2010

Cute sayings I need to remember

Levi says....

"Mom, this is my pet frog." (A rubber frog)  "His name is Jack.  And I love him because God loves me."

"Mom, there's a turtle growing in my tummy.  And it's getting bigger."

"Mom, did the doctor take Cody out of your tummy?" 
"Yes, Levi."
"Did he say we could keep him?"
"Yes, Levi.  Cody is our baby."
"Mom, we aren't going to give him back."
"Nope, we're not."

"Mom, I have a job for you.  You get to read to me."

"Mom, we don't litter.  Because God doesn't like it."  (not sure where he ever got that one!)


Melissa said...

So Cute!

Shannon said...

Love this! Kids say the best things.

I remember my oldest asking the same thing about our baby a few weeks after we brought him home from the hospital. "Do we get to keep him?" "He isn't going back?"

So sweet!

Lissy said...


I miss Levi! This just made my day.