Last weekend we had a camp auction at our church building. Supporters of camp come to a nice dinner at which they bring items or services to auction off as well as funds to buy things. Our girls made scarves, cookies, a cozy basket, and offered babysitting hours. In the midst of this, we had four little ones staying with us for the weekend while their parents were gone. Here is a picture of them watching a Veggie Tales movie - an attempt to wind down before bed. Also, a picture of the turkey cookies Grandma Carol, DJ and helpers made for the auction.
Another day this week Tana and DJ were busy in the kitchen. Tana had a science experiment with acids and bases. The glasses with all the pretty colors were the end result of the experiment and I thought it looked ne
at. Meanwhile, DJ was making "soup" for us at the kitchen table. Notice th
e variety of meat!
Wow, growing up so fast! :)
Cute cookies! Happy Thanksgiving!
Did you get a new camera?
Love the video...see you soon!
Julia, Rachel and I were watching the video of Levi. Julia loved it, she started talking right along with him.
He is getting so big. I'm glad you finally got your new camera. So, how was the soup?!!!!
I found your blog tonight. Levi sure has gotten big and so very cute! :) Shelly (from Jackpine)
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