Tuesday, August 3, 2010


-we had cinnamon oatmeal pancakes for breakfast

-the boys and I packed up and went to the county park for a free day at the play area

-I met a family from the area who home school and are in a co-op I'm interested in

-we were so sweaty and hot that the boys played in the pool in the backyard until naptime

-we had cucumbers from our garden and juicy, cold watermelon for lunch

-Kade was the only one who slept during naptime

-I worked on names and middle names for up and coming babe, sharing my list with Kent after his busy day of work.  We have such a hard time picking names we both dearly love.  I think we have our girl name, and I'm working on trying out our boy name throughout the day because I don't like it as well as Kent does.

-Tried a new recipe from Taste of Home with zucchini, green peppers, Roma tomatoes, green onions, fresh basil (I have a plant by my kitchen sink), chili pepper and shrimp.  I told Kent we were having a surprise ingredient at supper because this is possibly the second time I've ever bought shrimp.  We ate our dinner over brown rice.  Yum!

-Kent took the two older boys to get a tire fixed on our little blue car.  Kade and I washed dishes.  Kade's new thing is "cups."  He loves to stack them and fill them with water and arrange them, even carry them to bed.  I had to tell him we weren't sleeping with "cups."  Poor guy was disappointed.

-We had neighbor friends over for apple pie and visiting.

-Levi has some funny new sayings:  "fly smatter" for "fly swatter";  when asking for salad dressing he said he wanted "the tree branch."  I finally figured out he wanted ranch dressing.  There have been more like that lately, but I need to write them down right away.

-I'm not sleeping very well which is to be expected, I suppose.  So I sit at my computer a little too long.  I browse baby names.  I pray for our sleeping children and our older girls off on their own unique adventures.  I consider that I need to be more patient with childishness and more firm with bad attitudes.  I notice all the places in our house I could be sorting and cleaning, but I'm in waiting mode and I don't want to get too busy on anything.  I'm actually excited about how this whole birth process works out.  I know I'm not looking forward to some aspects of the birth, but there's something pretty amazing about how each little person makes his appearance.  I want the baby to come when laundry is put away, dishes are done, beds are made, and the refrigerator is full.  That only happens once a week or so and it's never all at the same time!

I'm going to hold this baby a lot and enjoy the littleness, the newness.  I want to savor each moment of newborn because it goes so fast.  I want to take lots of pictures.  I want to watch my other children cherish their new little brother or sister.  And I want to sleep on my tummy again. :)  So thankful tonight for God's blessings!

1 comment:

Corene said...

love your post! Summers in MN are the best :). Can't wait to meet your little one.