Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Father-Son Retreat 2009

Each year a different area congregation hosts a father/son retreat up at our camp. Two years ago Kent and DJ went and came back with lots of great memories. Last year we had a new baby, so they didn't go. But this year...they went again. And it was a special weekend for both! The theme had something do with spending time together, so I told Kent he should take all three boys so they really could spend time together. He didn't think it was as funny as I did. (Kent is a very capable father, but I could just see him trying to go target shooting with Kade in one arm and Levi hanging on a leg!) I told him they'd have to rename the retreat "Mom's Quiet Weekend." As it was, the girls were home, and we went to pick up my mom at the airport for a nice long visit.

He was quite proud of this as he is quite the amateur marksman.

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